Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer 2015

It is with great pleasure, FreedomInk Publishing Presents Social Readia. Volume 1 Number 6: Summer 2015
The platform for the freebie online literary magazine is still a working template. It's ever evolving and may be so until we find what works for us around here. We tried monthly but soon discovered it's a big responsibility for the shoulders of one to carry. Then we missed a month and it looked like every other month might be the way to go... But what happens when that 2nd month is missed? How about seasons? I just might be able to handle that! Let's give it a try. Summer 2015 officially begins June 21st. With the onset of this new season, I challenge you to read!
Check out who got caught reading, the slamming Poetry Corner, exclusive interviews and more. Enjoy the read. Please subscribe and don't forget to share =) P.S Leave your feedback in the form of comments. We want to hear from you!
~Katandra Jackson Nunnally, CEO at FreedomInk Publishing
Letter From The Editor: Summer. Sun. Fun. Books. I challenge you to read!

Featured Articles: Are Selfies bad for your health?

Exclusive Interview: The first book I can remember reading is the first book I fell in love with!

Guess who?: Father's Day is Sunday, June 21st...
Dads read to your children! Look who got caught reading!! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/4fun.html 
Excerpts: Read a few pages of Can't Raise No Man. Keep scrolling for more excerpts, including Jareth, First Lord by Mellie Miller, Woman on Fire by Trinette Collier and The Convict and The Rose by Jan Sikes.
Poetry Corner: A special selection for Father's Day.
Please submit your poetry, photos and any suggested article topics for consideration to be published in the next issue of Social Readia. Email up to 3 poems to freedomink@yahoo.com OR  katandra@freedomink365.com SUBJECT LINE:  Social Readia. Deadline to submit is the 25th of each month, as the new issue will be published by the 3rd the following month. Thank you.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Vol. 1. No. 5 March 2015

FreedomInk Presents Social Readia. Volume 1 Number 5. Can you believe it? We're in the 3rd month of the new year, already! Are you making time to read? In this issue...

Check out who got caught reading, the slamming Poetry Corner, exclusive interviews and more. Enjoy the read. Please subscribe and don't forget to share =) P.S Leave your feedback in the form of comments. We want to hear from you!

Letter From The Editor: February was busy. It's March and I'm back. Couldn't miss Women's History Month... The Ladies are taking over!

Exclusive Interview: Check out the insightful Q & A with Owner of Mxology 21, Mr. Aaron Sparks. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/exclusive-interview.html 

4FUN!: That's right grandmas! Put those books in their hands while they are still young and the likelihood is increased that they too will develop a love of words. Look who got caught reading!! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/4fun.html 
Excerpts: Texan, Jan Sikes, Author of Flowers and Stone, has done it again. Read Chapter 1 of The Convict and the Rose. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/excerpts-inquisitions.html
Poetry Corner: This month, a classic makes the cut.
Please submit your poetry, photos and any suggested article topics for consideration to be published in the next issue of Social Readia. Email up to 3 poems to freedomink@yahoo.com OR  katandra@freedomink365.com SUBJECT LINE:  Social Readia. Deadline to submit is the 25th of each month, as the new issue will be published by the 3rd the following month. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Vol. 1. No. 4 February 2015

February 2015. Word of the month, 'busy'.  The goal? To stay focused, no matter what. FreedomInk Publishing released 'Teach Me', the 2nd urban erotic novel by author Phoenix. We began the publishing process via initial proofs after rigorous editing of yet another book, Mellie Miller's 2nd title penned in the Esperance Series. 'Viviane, First Lady' is fantasy fiction. It's futuristic, historical, paranormal. Prepare for the literary ride of a lifetime. Valentine's Day has come and gone. The night sky was a myriad of constellation beauty. Did you see Jupiter? Venus? Mars? Google featured a very cool, however lightyears away, image of the Heart Nebula (pictured here).

The Heart Nebula, IC 1805, Sh2-190, lies some 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the Perseus Arm of the Galaxy in the constellation Cassiopeia. This is an emission nebula showing glowing gas and darker dust lanes. The nebula is formed by plasma of ionized hydrogen and free electrons. {Wikipedia}
What else? I've been publishing and quilting up a storm... And reading too! I've decided that while it is very much possible, I'd prefer not to run 'Social Readia' all by my lonesome. I'm seeking regular contributors. The main source of compensation is exposure. I'd love to make you an official extension of #TeamFreedomInk .
February 2015 zoomed by, and in the blink of an eye and just 28 days, it was over. I do apologize for the missed issue. Let's see if I can make up for it with some awesome literary stuff, in this new month.
Happy reading,
Katandra Jackson Nunnally, CEO at FreedomInk Publishing
*Forward samples of your writings to freedomink@yahoo.com OR katandra@freedomink365.com SUBJECT LINE: Social Readia Contributor

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Vol. 1 No. 3 New Year. Same Mission. January 2015

FreedomInk Presents Social Readia. Volume 1 Number 3 New Year. Same Mission. In this issue... Say g'bye to your New Year's Resolution. Brooklyn Author, Keith Kareem Williams, offers up a sneak peek at what he's up to in the new year. One mommy introduces story time before baby is born. The captivating Prologue of 'Jareth, First Lord' by FreedomInk Author, Mellie Miller. Check out who got caught reading, the slamming Poetry Corner, exclusive interviews and more. Enjoy the read. Please subscribe and don't forget to share =) P.S Leave your feedback in the form of comments. We want to hear from you!

Letter From The Editor: A brand new year. Another day, however, the mission is the same! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/letter-from-editor-in.html

Featured Articles: Ditch the New Year's Resolution and discover 'One Word' that will change your life... http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/featured-article.html

Exclusive Interview: Brooklyn New York native, resident & Author, Keith Kareem Williams stops by for an all revealing chat. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/exclusive-interview.html 

4FUN!: Did you know that babies have use of their senses way before they are born? Look who got caught reading!! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/4fun.html

Excerpts: Check out the Prologue of 'Jareth, First Lord' by Mellie Miller.
Poetry Corner: This month, a classic makes the cut.
Please submit your poetry, photos and any suggested article topics for consideration to be published in the next issue of Social Readia. Email up to 3 poems to katandra@freedomink365.com Deadline to submit is the 25th of each month, as the new issue will be published on the 3rd the following month. Thank you.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Future of Books Dec. 2014

FreedomInk Presents Social Readia. Volume 1 Number 2 The Future of Books. Meet the man of the hour, the intelligent, debonair, Mr. Quinton Morgan, Relationship Advocate & Author of 'Male Baggage'. Take a peek into the life of an Author since the release of her debut title. Trinette Collier talks 'Woman on Fire'. Check out who got caught reading, the slamming Poetry Corner, exclusive interviews and more. Enjoy the read. Please subscribe and don't forget to share =) 

Letter From The Editor: The Future of Books. I believe I see the light. 

Featured Articles: There Is No Such Thing as Writer's Block by Katandra Jackson Nunnally. 
Trinette Collier, FreedomInk Author of 'Woman on Fire' shares the ups and downs, the highs and lows of what the very first year since publishing her debut title has been like.

Exclusive Interview: Get the 4-1-1 on Quinton Morgan and his m.o to be absolutely transparent. 

4FUN!: Oooh la la. See who got caught reading!! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/4fun.html

Excerpts: Read an extended excerpt of Woman on Fire by Trinette Collier.
Poetry Corner:
Please submit your poetry, photos and any suggested article topics for consideration to be published in the next issue of Social Readia. Email up to 3 poems to katandra@freedomink365.com Deadline to submit is the 25th of each month, as the new issue will be published on the 3rd the following month. Thank you.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Vol. 1 No. 1 Better late than never! November 2014

Join us as we celebrate the release of the first ONLINE issue. FreedomInk Presents Social Readia. Volume 1 Number 1 The Future of Books. Get up close & personal with Author, Kenny L. Mitchell. Check out who got caught reading, the slamming Poetry Corner, exclusive interviews and more. Enjoy the read. Please subscribe and don't forget to share =) 

Letter From The Editor & Open Submissions: http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/letter-from-editor-in.html


Featured Article: Procrastination Is A Dream Killer by Yvette Porter Moore. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/featured-article.html


Exclusive Interview: GROWING UP WITH KLM-- Big brother, Nash Mitchell, reveals in an intimate conversation, what it was like growing up with younger brother Kenneth Lemar Mitchell,  the intelligent, eloquent speaking, debonair, articulate Author of The Loves Me Not Trilogy and the Creator of The Askari Sisterhood. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/exclusive-interview.html 

Exclusive Interview: Mellie Miller, FreedomInk’s 2013 Multifaceted Gem, stops by SR and talks about her creative process, 2nd generation Authors and what she feels is the Future of Books. Before she became a part of the FreedomInk family, I had an awesome first interview with Mellie Miller. I hope you enjoy the Q & A! http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/exclusive-interview.html 

 4FUN!: Peek in and see who got caught reading. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/4fun.html

Excerpts: Read the full first chapter of Loves Me Not Volume 1: Beautiful, Broken Me by Kenny L. Mitchell. http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/exclusive-interview.html 

Poetry Corner: Drowning To Become Alive by Dawn Miller & M2 http://socialreadia365.blogspot.com/p/poetry-corner.html Please submit your poetry, photos and any suggested article topics for consideration to be published in the next issue of Social Readia. Email up to 3 poems to katandra@freedomink365.com Deadline to submit is the 25th of each month, as the new issue will be published on the 3rd the following month. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Celebrate With Me

Hi. I'm Katandra Jackson Nunnally. For those of you who know me, it comes as no surprise that by this point, publishing books comes to me as naturally as breathing. Magazines are a different breed of literary thing completely. It's a constant, ongoing, neverending thing. Like back to back to back book publications without a moment to breathe. And talk about the legwork. The research. Would it be a monthly magazine? Quarterly? Who will I gather content from and will they deliver on time before the reoccurring deadlines? I cringe every time I think of how this idea was almost scrapped. Just because one platform doesn't work out, doesn't mean one should give up. So here we are. The long awaited, much anticipated magazine is here. But instead of in print issues that come with a price tag, we've decided to publish this literary magazine online. Now of course every Editor In Chief wants to get paid. As the CEO of FreedomInk Publishing as well as an Author, I know that in order to write well, one must read often. It is a prerequisite to confidently hold this title! I read... A lot. I'll be etching out services and fees soon. Ad space. Book reviews. Media tools for Authors such as bookmarks, flyers & Creative Press Releases. But before we get into all of that technical monetary stuff, let's just celebrate. Let's have a party in honor of the written words we love so much. It is my mission to make this book thang' a social thang'. That is afterall, how the very idea of this literary magazine was born. I'm super proud to present, along with the Authors of FreedomInk Publishing... Social Readia, FreedomInk's Online Literary Magazine! Woot woot. Party over here. Please celebrate with us by following the blog. Share it. Leave a comment and let us know that you were here. Tell us... What is your favorite book? Who is your favorite Author? When was the last time you became totally engrossed with a character, plot or storyline? At current, the issues will post every month. The We're excited to begin and thrilled that you have decided to join us. Questions, concerns, submissions, photos can be sent to katandra@freedomink365.com  Again, thanks for joining us.
~Keep Reading,
Editor In Chief, CEO, Author, Katandra Jackson Nunnally